Watch Glee Season 3 Episode 4 by S now! The link is just a click away! School is back in session for our favorite high school singers. Jacob Ben-Israel, resident gossip, dove right in, following McKinley High's favorite glee members around, catching up on the latest. While couples Rachel and Finn, and Tina and Mike are still going strong, Mercedes has taken up a new man from the football team and Zizes and Puck have called it quits. Most notably absent from the glee club is Quinn, who has decided to ditch the cheerleader act and embrace her inner punk. Sporting hot pink hair, a nose ring, and a tattoo of Ryan Seacrest on her lower back, Quinn makes it clear that she is ready to shake things up. Back at McKinley, Sue decides to destroy the glee club once and for all by announcing her candidacy for congressional district.Pledging to suspend arts programs in public schools if elected, Sue dubs Becky and Santana co-captains of the Cheerios and subsequently co-conspirators in the glee club's demise.  The big question heading into this third season of "Glee": would having more than three writers contributing to the show make a noticeable difference? Would it still be a schizophrenic mess that could occasionally pull itself up from the mire of mediocrity and produce powerful television? Writing weekly variations on the central reason why "Glee" is the most frustrating show on television is taxing my mental thesaurus.There's a good show here. No, there's an excellent show here. Or, at least, there's a show I'm dying to see actually reach fruition. Obviously, what I think is the ideal form of this show deviates wildly from that of devoted Gleeks who hang on every scene, download every song, and think the current iteration is just dandy. Me? I had hoped that a fully stocked writers' room would absorb the creators' best ideas, filter out the worst ones, and produce a show that felt less like a first draft come to life and more of a carefully conceived (if occasionally gloriously messy) television show. That slam dunk story? Senior Year. Sure, it's not Senior Year for everyone (as we learned in the exposition-heavy intro that mirrored the one done at the start of Season 2), but it's a vital year for the primary players that formed the core of the initial cast. Rachel, Kurt, Finn, and Quinn all face an uncertain future in different ways.Read more about Watch Glee Season 3 Ep 4 Online At the dark, most fascinating heart of "Glee," none of them have a guaranteed shot of ever leaving the Lima, never mind Ohio. Everything felt like a dull retread of episodes past, a reset that put everyone back at the start of the game board. New Directions needed new members! School-wide performances ended in pain and sometimes arson! Sue did things that would land a normal person in jail yet somehow made her more powerful! Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, Do Not Kiss at Nationals. If Will does anything besides send New Directions on another silly assignment that causes the students psychological or physical pain, then he's doing too much. At some point, he could have been the show's central figure (back when it had hints of a deeply morose core at the center of its musical Tootsie Pop), but that time has long past. Matthew Morrison does fine work with the right material, but I'm not sure "Glee" knows how to give him that material anymore.For more info visit Watch Glee Season 3 Ep 4 Online