Buying a new car can be exciting- splashing out your hard earned money on something which could improve your life. This excitement can be short-lived, when the reality of the actual purchase sets in. There are so many things you should think about before buying a used car, so hopefully these tips might help…• Shop around. The internet has changed the way people shop- in just a few clicks you have access to thousands of car sale sites, whether it be commercial or independent. The beauty of looking for a car on the internet means that you have unlimited choice, and even more unlimited choice if you have the means to travel to view a car. When you have found a car make sure you research the model and how expensive it will be to run.• When you have chosen a car you wish to purchase, make sure you take it for a test drive first. Just because the outside is attractive doesn’t mean underneath the bonnet will be. Test drive the car on a variety of roads and even take it down the motorway so you can really get a feel for the car and know that its for you.Read more about Used Cars Nashville Tennessee • Read through any documentation rigorously. Any documents or contracts that come with car should be read in full. Make sure you check that the information on the official documentation matches with the car, and always check the car’s identification number.• Get the car checked out. For a small fee you can arrange with a company like the AA to check over the car’s engine and body to make sure there are no complications that will cost you money if you decide to purchase the car. This fee is worth the money as it will give you peace of mind that the car you are buying is worth your cash.• Don’t forget insurance. The model of the car determines how much your policy will cost, so make sure you will be able to afford the insurance. Make sure you are aware of any modifications made to the car as this could increase your car insurance considerably.Remember, cheap car insurance isn’t that hard to come by. Like shopping for your car, shop around for a car insurance quote to ensure that your new car doesn’t cost more than you thought it would. Compare car insurance online with a comparison tool and you will be sure to find a good deal.for more info visit Used Cars Nashville Tennessee