There is no better way to celebrate a couple's commitment to each other than by throwing them an engagement party. Planning an event like this can be tough, especially considering you need to keep the following planning points in mind: an appropriate date for the party, where you are going to have it, who you will invite, how many you will invite, the menu, and the theme.Typically, the theme of an engagement party is marriage, of course. But isn't it possible to have a theme that will add to the party's theme of marriage, rather than distract from the future bride and groom's commitment to each other?It is entirely possible. There are some who would say you could do any type of theme, and the party would still be fun. I'm sure that's true for some, but if you are going plan a theme that doesn't go along with the celebration of your friends' decision to marry, you may as well save your theme for a different party.A theme that won't cheapen the true intent, and can actually add to it is a wine tasting theme. Usually wine is served at an engagement party anyway, so why not serve many different kinds of wine. The perfect pairing of wine and food is a great metaphor for the perfect pairing of the engaged couple.Before you go ahead with all of the preparations for the party, you should clear it with the future bride and groom. After all, it's their party and commitment to each other that you're celebrating. If they are up for it, then here is some information to keep in mind when planning the party.The first item to figure out, like with all parties, is the budget. What type of party will your budget allow? If the answer is, "not very much", don't worry. There are ways around a tight budget.If this is something you really want to do, consider talking to others that will be attending the party to see if they will go in on the expenses with you. I'm sure there is someone you can find to co-host the party with you. Costs that are shared among a few are much easier to handle than all by yourself.Once you have the money issues worked out, you need to decide where you want to have the party. There are many restaurants that have their own sommelier. Check out your local restaurants online or by visiting them in person. Either way, you'll be able to see what they have to offer if you were to host a wine tasting engagement party at their restaurant.For more info visit theme party planning This is probably your easiest option because most of the work and preparation will be done by the restaurant. It will free you up for other things like guest lists and seating charts.Another option is to host the party at someone's house. If you do that, you can either set the whole party up yourself, including researching various wine and food pairings and creating wine information cards, or you can hire a sommelier to come to your home to help you with the party.The great thing about a wine tasting party is that you can limit your menu to a fine assortment of cheeses to go with your wine. It is a way you can cut down on the preparations for the party and focus on creating an atmosphere where everyone will be comfortable and have a good time.Whether you decide to host it at someone's home, or have it in a fancy restaurant lead by a sommelier, make sure the discussions during your party aren't about wine only. The night is about the two people who decided to get married, which is why you are having the engagement party. Planning a wine tasting party is the perfect way to show your engaged friends a good time that will start their marriage off on the right path. Make sure to visit this blog