Dog barking is a very bad habit that many dogs can get into while they are living with their owners. The behavior can get so bad that some of the owners will reach the point of actually getting rid of the dog. However, if you are like me you will want to find out what your dog is barking at prior to reaching this step because it could be a very simple solution for you that can make the difference between keeping your loving friend or getting rid of them. Here is one of the reasons as to what your dog could be barking at and it is something that you can normally be able to solve. One of the main things that my dogs used to bark at all the time was when they would see a stranger walking down the road. Now I live in the sticks and seeing someone on the road is kind of odd so I didn't really mind them doing this, but if I lived in the city I could see where this would be an annoying habit. So it is definitely one behavior that you would want to try to break your dog of unless the stranger was trying to come into your home. The tip that I did find that helped me out in getting my dog to reduce his barking at strangers was to block him from being able to see the strangers. Read more about Strange people.Now I know that this could be difficult in the city, but if you live an area that one side of your home faces the area that the strangers are going to be on you can keep your dog on the other side of your home which will help because then they will not see the strangers anymore. However, if you do not have a separate area in your home to do this you are going to have to try to figure out some way to keep your dog from looking out the window so he will not be barking then. I found that if I have curtains up and tied back that it generally is very helpful in keeping him from looking out the window because the last time that my dog did try to look outside the window to bark he ended up pulling the curtains down on top of his head which really scared the tar out of him! For more info visit Strange people.