I get this question all the time!"What kind of profile picture should I use?"Pay attention! Your facebook profile picture is one of the most IMPORTANT, if not the most IMPORTANT, feature of your profile...Women will not even bother responding to you if you have really lame or creepy picture. I bet you have one on your profile right now...You know the one I'm talking about... the webcam pic... the one where the guy is just sitting there in front of his computer...staring?It's pretty much telling the world..."I'm a weirdo."Give me 1 minute and I'll tell you about a picture that WILL get you at least a phone number of that really hot chick you've been wanting for like forever when facebook dating!This is what I like to call the "Interesting Guy Picture".Do you have a picture of yourself standing beside a landmark? On a beach? On a mountain?I had a picture that got me SO MANY responses from hot girls. What kind of picture?It was a picture of me standing in front of the Roman Coliseum with a really beautiful woman.Read more about Profile pictures.  Here's why this picture is so great...First, it conveys high value - you're showing that you love to travel and that you have the MONEY to travel. It shows that you're adventurous and interesting.Secondly, and most importantly, it shows that you're pre-selected by having a beautiful woman stand beside you. This will immediately give off a positive impression.Ever hear of THAT tip? If you associate yourself with beautiful-looking women (even if they're just friends!) you will automatically be deemed as much more attractive.So that pic of me in front of the Eiffel with one of my gorgeous, stunning girlfriends got me laid countless times. You don't have to have something as extravagant as that, though... maybe you have a picture of you surfing or maybe even just playing the guitar!Of course there's much more to it than just having a good profile picture... you need to know how to TALK to girls online as well.That's why on my site,it lays out, step-by-step, everything you need to know and do to get those GORGEOUS girls when facebook dating and online dating.For more info visit Profile pictures.