Teach your children how to be confident in themselves is important that your children make more confident in themselves because their confidence could lead to a succesful life.And how can they do that? First of all, parents behaviors take the important influence to theirs. Children need to feel reliable, so do not forget let them know that you belive in their capacity by simple and effective words - I belive you can do that my dear!-. Even be faced with their mistakes needs a delicat treatment from parents. Do not say like- you're not good for anything- because this horrible sentence could destroy your children's confidence more and more.Parents should keep in mind that their education's mission is to improve the abilities of children. Therefore you must tell the child what to do instead of what not to do. When you often limit their responsibility that means also you don't really trust them. By this way you tend to negative direction to acheive your mission.Parents should not care so much about mischief of children which did not seriously annoy others. You can surely blame them and explain what wrong they are but let drop everything after that. Do not talk about their fault a second time. It is preferable to repeat how good job they did because parents are not here to find unpleasant things of children.Parents attitudes with children Children can be the miroir of their parents's behaviour, therefore it is important to pay attention to what you do or say when you are with your children. Sometimes you could be surprised of where come from their ideas but the origin is simply related to their parents conversations. Besides, you should not make your children more curious when you begin talking about something then never continue through to the end of your history. It seems like that you try to hide some secret. So you have to choose between explain all the way or do not say anything. If not, your children will record your unpleasant behavior and do the same things later. They could keep their bad secret and never communicate with you.You should not imprecate or mock other persons front of your children because they could get these bad attitudes : underestimate everbody and you are the first victim. You can not hope your children are sincerely when you lie everytime. Be careful what you do, think about your children at least. Have you ever seen their disappointment because they discovered the real image of their parents which does not look like what they wish for?Parental authority will be completly destroyed if parents seems to not agree together about how to teach their children.For more info,Please visit how to be confident For example, children will not respect orders of father when their mother desagree. An other case is that only one of parents is resposible for teaching their children. It will take the same result.Do not forget that all children should be treated equally in spite of their difference if not children will feel unhappy. It is important that you teach your children to live in harmony each other. Because later when you are not here, they could not feel so lonely without familial support.If you want to learn more about teach children, go to : http://howtoteachchild.com, sure you will learn more things . Related Articles - CONFIDENCE, DELICAT, GOOD JOB, INFLUENCE, MISCHIEF, NEGATIVE DIRECTION, SECOND TIME, SENTENCE, TEACH, Email this Article to a Friend! Receive Articles like this one direct to your email box!Subscribe for free today!Make sure to check out my blog, by clicking here!