Getting approved by Google Adsense isn't as easy as it used to be. Google now checks your website for copyrighted material, and they also check for previous accounts. In the past, the focus was on whether or not your website had traffic and whether or not your website had properties that made it invalid like frames or dynamic pages that might have made reading clicks inaccurate. Today the level of fraud on Google Adsense is astounding.Some gurus claim that fraud on Google Adsense could be as high as 33%. Google does a lot of work to stop fraud, but some advertising professionals say the flaw of Google Adsense is in the affiliate program itself. The idea that an affiliate is paid for clicks means that a few clicks here or there are quite beneficial regardless of the source. These fake clicks have added up over the years to billions of dollars in wasted advertiser dollars. Google Adsense approval is based on a rating system that is designed to prevent fraud. So it is much harder to get a website approved in 2010 than it was to get one approved in 1997. But it still is relatively easy. Here are some tips you can use to get automatic approval. One of the easiest ways to get almost instantly approved is to set up a Google Adsense account where the website being approved is a blog. These are blogs whose names end in "". Blogger belongs to Google. Of course they will approve a blogger website! It is automatic because Google knows they won't permit you to perform fraudulent activities on their own website. So these are perfect for getting quick and effortless Google Adsense approval. A blog at is a virtual shoe in for acceptance. Read more about Get adsense approval. The only caveats are if you were previously suspended and you are trying to open an account from your old IP address. The system won't allow that. They know you are a banned person, and they won't accept anything from a person that was previously suspended by the program.Another neat trick is to use a Wordpress website hosted by Wordpress. These blogs are almost always immediately approved. This one is based on the relationship between Google and Wordpress. The idea that Wordpress won't allow mechanism-based click fraud is strong in this relationship. These are usually approved in 48 hours. There are many simple tricks to obtain immediate Google Adsense approval; these are a few simple tools for being assured of reaching your goal.Learn more about Adsense approval now!For more  info visit Get adsense approval.