Many people see the ingredients in colon cleansing formulas and believe they can make their own.While it is possible to create your own colon cleanse recipe it is not always advisable. The more reputable companies that manufacture herbal colon cleanse formulas have been doing so for years and have already learned how to achieve results you are unlikely to duplicate on your own.The main problem is not figuring out the ingredients because they are usually listed on the side of the bottle of a manufactured colon cleanse system. The problem is that you will not know how much of each ingredient to use nor can you be certain about the potency of the herbs you are obtaining.Think of it as if you were baking a cake and the only information you had was that the cake needs eggs, flour, sugar, baking soda, and then it should be put in the oven. It is extremely unlikely your cake will come out right, or edible for that matter. This is the same problem you will encounter if you try to make your own herbal colon cleansing recipe at home.You may very well come up with something that works. Read more about Colon cleanse recipe. On the other hand you may create a mixture that gives you horrible diarrhea and chains you to your toilet for several days. The risk is simply not worth the reward in this instance.The main goal when undergoing an all natural herbal colon cleanse is to remove the harmful buildup from your colon and while it is always a good idea to save a few bucks when possible it is simply not worth it when dealing with your health.Hopefully you will consider this before deciding to create your own colon cleanse recipe. If you still insist on creating your own formula be sure to start with the smallest amount of ingredients and work your way up as needed.For more info visit Colon cleanse recipe.