I'm always on the lookout for nutrients, foods and lifestyle information that will make our bodies and minds healthier and our lives happier, but this little gem has escaped my radar so far, and I suspect that mainstream awareness needs to be raised, starting now! This is about a simple and inexpensive synthetic amino acid related to common household vinegar called EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid).EDTA was developed by the Germans in 1931 to reverse heavy-metal poisoning from the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and more, especially rampant from the battlefields from World War 1. Chelation therapy is not some new and trendy miracle cure, but for various reasons, it's one of the best guarded secrets out there flying beneath the mainstream health conscious radar, known for health improvement. If you realize even one or two gains from a huge list of alleged benefits, EDTA deserves to be classified as an astounding miracle compound.EDTA works on the principle of chelation therapy, and without being too technical, see "chelation" at Wikipedia, works by removing excessive levels of 13 minerals from your body -- lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, and aluminum -- all toxic heavy metals. It also removes calcium from arteriosclerotic plaque. That's the stuff that hardens the arteries and constricts blood flow to and from the heart. Studies have shown that by reducing harmful plaque, EDTA reduces blood pressure in about 60% of high blood pressure patients. Not only that, EDTA can reduce or reverse the effect of a stroke, particularly after the stroke, but even as late as two years following a stroke and it can reduce the need for bypass surgical procedures. EDTA can greatly reduce the need for lower extremity amputations.Now comes a whole laundry list of benefits, as if the above wasn't enough. EDTA dissolves kidney stones and protects against iron poisoning and toxic iron buildup in the liver. Regular use has also been shown to improve memory as well as of cholesterol buildup in the liver, thereby reducing blood cholesterol levels throughout the body. By cleaning out our arteries and vessels, EDTA chelation reduces or relaxes excessive heart contractions, helping to normalize 50% or better, of irregular heart rhythms. The risk of heart attacks or strokes is greatly reduced, especially as we age.EDTA chelation helps to prevent and reduce osteoarthritis. It reduces and alleviates the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Chelation helps to smooth skin wrinkles and aids in restoring softer and more youthful skin in general. In addition, it helps to lower insulin requirements for diabetics. It even dissolves large and small blood clots. Studies and clinical trials have also shown that EDTA chelation can reverse diabetic gangrene as well as restore impaired vision, particularly in the diabetic whose suffering from macular degeneration. Diabetics should undoubtedly talk to their nutritionists about EDTA.EDTA chelation treatment can help patients with very advanced chronic diseases and in the majority of cases bring the patient back to normal functioning. The treatment can clean up the blood vessels and organs of even the most severely ill patients, and many times the patient can then be successfully treated with the usual conventional treatments. However, medical science in the U.S. seems to be geared more to curing the disease after it's onset, rather than overall prevention. I just have to wonder why more press and education isn't made readily available, stressing simple and effective remedies, such as the subject of this article.If I were a conspiracy theory advocate, I would almost suggest, as many people have, that the amount of money involved in treating crisis conditions would preclude the revenue generated from illness prevention, or wellness advocacy. It may end up shaking the current status quo from it's complacency, possibly revolutionizing health care, as currently practiced in America. How much better would it be if we could spend more resources and attention on keeping people well, rather than concentrating on trying to make people better after they are sick.Read more about chelation therapy We should concentrate on health improvement and maintenance, possibly embracing non conventional methodology presently outside the current confines of empirical medicine.Chelation therapy is great stuff but it's not a cure. There is no free lunch, so to speak. It can help in reversing some diseases very well, open blocked blood vessels, and restore circulation, but it is not a cure. If you don't pay attention to diet, if you don't stop smoking, if you don't take the proper nutritional supplements, if you don't exercise regularly, if you won't make the lifestyle changes necessary for good health, then eventually you'll be back to square one or worse. EDTA is very inexpensive, can be purchased over the counter, and is definitely worth a longer look. Thanks for reading.For more info visit chelation therapy