In many cases, some homeowners might choose to ignore their gutters for extended periods. However, this is a bad idea because gutters work to collect water that falls on the roof and divert it from the home. If the gutters are ignored, the homeowner could find himself faced with water damage, roofing problems and foundation issues, all of which can be costly in the grand scheme of home repairs. Therefore, it's important to clean out your gutters as needed.Gutter cleaningIf you're a homeowner, one of your least favorite DIY home maintenance may be gutter cleaning. Over the course of the year, a lot of leaves, twigs and other debris can collect in gutters. Adding in a degree of snow melt or rainwater, you may be facing a grimy accumulation of dirt and muck that you probably have no choice but to scoop out by hand. Not only is gutter cleaning disgusting, in some cases, it can also be dangerous. People often use a tall ladder to reach their gutters and remove any built-up gunk accordingly. Since ladders can easily shake and fall, those brave homeowners who choose to clean their own gutters are actually subjecting themselves to a serious degree of injury. In general, the more trees around a house, the more often the gutters will need to be cleaned. The extent to which gutter cleaning is necessary varies by region. In some areas, homeowners might find it sufficient to clean their gutters once during the spring and once during the fall. In other cases, a home's gutters might need to be cleaned four to six times a year. And although gutter cleaning companies are available to spare homeowners the unpleasant task, the services tend to come at a cost.Gutter protectors If you're tired of dealing with the danger and disgust in gutter cleaning but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars each year on a gutter service, you might want to consider using gutter protectors, which more and more homeowners have been embracing in recent years. Also known as gutter toppers and gutter guards, gutter protectors are screen-like devices that sit on top of gutters to protect them from accumulating dirt and debris. Since gutters need to be able to deflect water as necessary, most modern-day gutter protectors are efficiently designed to allow water to enter gutters while preventing leaves and twigs from getting in. A.W. Ross, the controller of Charlotte, North Carolina's Lundberg Roofing, Windows & Siding, thinks that on a whole, gutter protectors can take the majority of the hassle out of gutter cleaning by preventing most debris from getting sucked into gutters.Read more about Cheers Bill. However, he also warns that gutters are not maintenance-free. Even with gutter protectors, you'll still need to clean out your gutters twice a year on average. The cost involvedAlthough there is a debate on the effectiveness, most homeowners would at least be willing to try gutter protectors if it weren't for the significant cost involved. However, given the prohibitive price for the nifty devices, many people can't help but wonder if they are actually worth the money. From a cost perspective, gutter cleaners don't come with an immediate payback period, but rather an eventual one. While the price of gutter cleaners can vary from region to region, homeowners can expect to pay from $1,500 to $2,000 for gutter toppers on a one-story, 2000-square foot home. The larger the property, the higher that price is likely to climb. Considering that most people don't tend to spend more than $500 per year on professional gutter cleanings, it can take awhile to recoup the upfront costs of gutter protector installation. For those who prefer to tackle gutter cleaning alone, the idea of shelling out so much money can be financially unsettling. But on the other hand, paying for gutter protectors is basically akin to paying for the convenience of not having to deal with muck and grime on such a large scale, so you have to admit that it certainly sounds tempting.For more info visit Cheers Bill.