The bushnell hybrid glf gps and laser rangefinder has received some incredible press since its recent launch across the pond in the states and now its arrived over here in the gloomy UK were keen to give you some stats on this impressive piece of kit and let you know all there is to know about the bushnell hybrid and experience exactly what it's like to own this piece of golf kit and how bushnell have been able to combine both laser and gps technology to achieve something other golf brands have struggled for years and still not been able to achieve. For starters when you think about going out to play golf most golfers know they will want something akin to a course planner to help them out on the course, so what happens if you happen to be on of the millions of golfers that play on local courses that are either hilly or placed in a forest environment? Well this is where the bushnell hybrid really begins to come into its own, by marrying the two pieces of technology neatly alongside each other the Bushnell brand have developed a new concept that allows a golfer to play with the knowledge that they have both a gps and laser device available to them at the touch of a button. The laser aspect of this unit is perfect to help you measure the distance to and from a hole and is also great if you spot an obstacle and are not sure if it lies in your wait or can be easily avoided by adjusting your shot. A laser device on a bushnell hybrid won't affect the gps aspect of the unit in any way as bushnell have been able to overcompensate the gps technology so that they have produced a unit that does exactly what its designed to and does not allow either apsest of the technology that golfers desire to suffer in any way . If your worried that the bushnell hybrid may allow you to suffer in some way, ie the fact you will lack some forms of golf gps technology then its wise to read on to learn more about what other aspects of technology this unit offers you.For more info,Please visit bushnell-xgc-best-golf-gps-rangefinder-reviews If your keen to learn more then read on to find out all about how bushnell have produced a bushnell hybrid unit that can easily be converted into a laser rangefinder with no difficulty at all. Bushnell have chosen a high spec design that gives golfers a great piece of kit that allows you to have a sound piece of kit that can be held easily in one hand. This unit also comes in a light grey colour way that is complimented by a great easy to hold grip system that enables you to hold onto the unit at any angel and still play a round. Related Articles - golf buddy world, golf gps, golf rangefinder, Email this Article to a Friend! Receive Articles like this one direct to your email box!Subscribe for free today!If you are interested in learning more,check out